Voila je viens de faire l'acquisition de cet en semble acheté sur ebay
ensemble d'objectifs, lentilles, Filtres dont: téléobjectif, filtres, grand angle,.... Neuf, dans leur emballage d'origine. Jamais utilisé.
- 1 0.45x Wide Angle
- 1 2.0x Telephoto
- 1 UV filter
- 1 Polarizing (PL) filter
- 1 Diffuser (Soft) filter
- 1 4 Close-up filter
-0.45x Wide Angle with Macro llows users to take pictures of wider view. The box content: Front / Rear Lens cap + Lens + Protection pouch (with detachable Macro Lens)
-2.0x Telephoto Lens allows users to power up the zooming ability of the camera. The box content: Front / Rear Lens cap + Lens + Protection pouch
-UV filter protects your lens from dust, moisture & fingerprints. It reduces unwanted ultra-violet light and haze.
-Polarizing (PL) filter llows you to remove unwanted reflections from non-metallic surfaces such as water, glass etc. They also enable colors to become more saturated and appear clearer, with better contrast. This effect is often used to increase the contrast and saturation in blue skies and white clouds.
-Diffuser filter is used to soften the object and generates dreamy. It is mainly used in portrait work.
-+4 Close up filter It is a convex optical element to increase the magnification of the lens to which it is attached, enabling it to focus closer.
ceci est la photo de l'ensemble:
Je viens de l'avoir et je me demande a quoi correspond la lentille macro vissé sur le grand angle?faut il les deux ensemble pour faire de la macro?Sinon j'ai fait des essais et une aberation bleuté est présente facilement corrigeable en faisant la BDB ds silkypix