GF1 it's similar:
1. Switch off camera
2. Switch to Single Shot Mode
3 (GF1). Press "AF/AE Lock" and "Display" together, hold these
4. Switch on camera, release the buttons after a short while.
5 (GF1). Press three buttons: "Display", "Menu/Set" and "left arrow" together, hold them, ignore the display
(Step 6 not needed for GF1)
Now you should see the history of problems with date and a code, up to 16 items.
GF1: Press "Display" to switch between three different screens of codes
7 (three buttons again). Press "Display", "Menu/Set" and "left arrow" together once again
(Step 8 not needed for GF1)
GF1 has a screen with the following:
PWRCNT: counts the "switch on's"
SHTCNT: counts use of the shutter
There's also STBCNT: counts use of the flash
Press "Display" to switch between two screens, No. 2 shows a "ClockSet Cnt" among others.
Switch off the camera to return to normal.