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 early in the morning, or late at night, I'm thinking to ya..

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archmoul XVI
64 Gb
64 Gb
archmoul XVI

Masculin Nombre de messages : 7784
Age : 76
APN : G2 G5 S5is lumixG1GH1 D2OO M2 C15 AK47 DC3 Sukhoi 29 E:1/2MC2 lx5 contax G nikormat bronica
Dépt. ou Pays : 16 +19, et surtout Grolandais, et souvent parigot
Date d'inscription : 06/05/2009

early in the morning, or late at night, I'm thinking to ya.. Empty
MessageSujet: early in the morning, or late at night, I'm thinking to ya..   early in the morning, or late at night, I'm thinking to ya.. Icon_minitimeLun 18 Oct 2010 - 19:58

early in the morning, or late at night, I'm thinking to ya.. AHFtReOxkND8pzC
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early in the morning, or late at night, I'm thinking to ya.. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: early in the morning, or late at night, I'm thinking to ya..   early in the morning, or late at night, I'm thinking to ya.. Icon_minitimeJeu 28 Oct 2010 - 19:38

scratch Aih speack not englisch... early in the morning, or late at night, I'm thinking to ya.. Biggrin
C'était à une Expo ?
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early in the morning, or late at night, I'm thinking to ya..
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